Thursday, February 5, 2009

Great Blogs of Fire!

"You know when you’re sitting on a chair and you lean back so you’re just on two legs then you lean too far and you almost fall over but at the last second you catch yourself? I feel like that all the time."
-Stephen Wright

First off... Holy crap, kids.
Can I just suggest something? If we want to say something to someone, just say it. Don't blog it... It opens you up to critizism.

Freakin drama-rama... Can't we all just get along?

I am more excited for next weekend than I can put into words. Shay, Amy and I are going to Jerome for the weekend. Just got this email from Miss Amy:
"Hey all is set for Jerome.
Bring something fancy for Sunday.
We are going to do one of our fun nights out.
You know... we are the only ones dressed up in a not so dressy place
Just because we can.
We'll have to come up with a silly reason in case asked.
Past reason #1 "just got released from prison"
Possible reason this time "It's my cats birthday""

BAM!!! Yay.
Expect approximately a BAZILLION pictures.

Sorry I seem to be on a blog a week spin... The 'rents took my computer away. HISSSS.

I am just now realizing how FRACKIN much I have to do before I leave. Things I need to teach, things I need to learn, pictures I need to take, people I need to be friends with, to-do lists I need to cross off. Relationships I need to fix.

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do. ”

BAM. Heather and I are going to Morp. Guess this means we're friends again?
Oh, and guess what else? We're gonna wear my 'Nerdy' shirt. [She'll get her own, we're not both gonna... wear... one...]

"Your emotions could pull you all over the map today, Cancer, making it difficult to know exactly what to do. One moment you are ready to cash in your chips and walk away from what you have already gained. The next moment you are hard at work trying to figure out how to save everything. Although it might seem as if your decisions now are all-or-nothing, the truth is that there's a lot of middle ground for you to explore." Oh, hey thanks.

Love you. Miss you.
You too.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Okay. Just don't forget. Don't forget anything before you leave. If you forget, it means things could be lost, and that's not acceptable. It's not acceptable to lose things. You can be lost, but I'd rather you not.
I love you.
I miss you.
With my whole heart.