Tuesday, February 17, 2009

On A More Somber Note...

I'll get back to my amazing weekend in a bit, but I just wanted to let everyone know that Sunday, February 15th, my great grandpa Bob Hanna passed away. He's been ready to go for some time, years even. But he's been a big part of my life, especially since I moved to Arizona. He's Dad's grandpa, and lived in Gilbert for years and years, but he's being buried in Pittsburgh, where he spent most of his life.
He was a member of the Pittsburgh Fire Department, and his house reflected it... He had hoses and hats and little fire trucks all over. That and everyone's favorite cookie jar: It was a little fireman, and it yelled at you when you opened it up to take a cookie.
I blogged about him back in June, we weren't sure if he would make it much past then. But he survived the holidays, which is what he really wanted.
Grandpa Bob always took a real interest in me, and he always asked the important stuff: How's school, how's the weather, and how rich is your boyfriend. He told me all the time 'Don't you give your heart away until you've checked out his bank account first. It don't matter if he's good lookin, you can't pay the bills on good lookin.'
Unfortunately, I never really had anyone to tell him about, rich or otherwise... Probably because I always seem to end up in the valley right after a break up. [Really, that's when I need it the most, but still.]
Anyways, I just wanted to say that I love Grandpa Bob, and I'm glad he's out of pain, and we'll miss him something fierce.

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