Sunday, February 8, 2009

Every Little Girl Is A Princess

I'm in love with this picture... Why exactly is that not me?

So, I have a new favorite song... 'A Walk Through Hell' by Say Anything. It goes with my other new favorite song, 'I Want To Know Your Plans' by the same. But the lyrics go: I'd walk through hell for you, let it burn right through my shoes, these soles are useless without you, walk through hell for you, let the torturing ensue, this soul is useless without you.

First, this is TOTALLY the Dean song.
Secondly, it's a little strange I should like it as much as I do, as I've yet to meet a boy who I would burn my shoes for.


kathickers said...

why isn't that you?

Also, I guess that'll be your litmus test for a mate, then. Just put him up against the shoes.


Cassidi Marie said...

Mom and I decided instead of 'college scale' which is what we used to use to decide how much I like a boy [ie: I like him enough to go to california, but not enough to go to BYU] we'll judge in what shoes I'd be willing to burn. [I like him enough to burn my glass heels, but not my black boots.]

Hi, I'm Jane's attention span.