The Show Must Go On.
In spite of illness, building the sets during the first few scenes, and skipping entire SCENES. [I'm bitter at you, Orrin.] And it did. When they said I survived it, they meant barely.
But second night went much better. [Pssst! It's because I tucked packets of salt in everyone's costumes... Warded off the bad spirits!] But it did go much better. I even started feeling better! Whoo. =]
So, today should be even better! I hope.
I don't really have much else to say... My life these days is the play and Supernatural. And you won't let me blog about that, so My life these days is the play. Which is... Meh. But truly, I can't wait for it to be over. The cast party is where the real pay off comes. =]
I was supposed to be at rehersal 40 minutes ago, but I have an excuse, truly I do.
My little brother fell and might have gotten a concussion last night, so my parents were up with him for forever, and they're just waking up now. So I'll probably be heading in in a moment or two.
I wish I had something deep or philosophical to write, but really? I'm just bored these days. Chronically bored. If it wasn't for Alex being such a complete sweetie [<3] and Ms. Abel keeping me above water with the Winchester boys, I'd probably be in a straightjacket by now.
1 comment:
That picture about made me cry! I spent so many hours of my life in front of those mirrors...
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