Monday, September 29, 2008

I Need You, Baby...

If I was happy at all today, it was because of this. Alex, I love you forever for reintroducing me to this song.

I need to get out of this... Thing that's tearing me apart. Everywhere I turn, I see reasons to be grateful and even more reassurances of how incredibly blessed I am.
I hate that I'm the kind of person who can have the world at her feet and still hurt people around her.
Guys, I'm sorry that you have to put up with the person I am. You've all been nothing but supportive and I don't deserve you at all.


Kara said...

not at all and you want to leave?
im devastated. ill be here for as long as it takes. i miss you.

Tara Victoria said...

Don't leave! I am only just beginning to get to know you!
If you ever need to talk, I am here for you love. I have gone through a lot of things and I would like to think that maybe I know a little bit about what's going on and how it feels to be a girl in high school. Especially a girl as smart as you are!! It's the smart ones it is the roughest for, I think.
Anyway.. on a happier note. Yay for blogspot friends AND facebook friends! I'm now following your blogs. :)