Sunday, September 7, 2008

I can't say I was never wrong, but some blame rests on you...

What I've learned in the last couple of weeks:

-Friends can come into your lives at any point, and chances are they're not who you'd expect.
-Be nice to cultural trends; they can get you places.
-Never pass up an opportunity to talk to people older [and cooler] than you. You'd be surprised what you learn and what old movies are... well, entertaining.
-Ask for a distraction, and you'll get it. And then some.
-Be open. Just because you think you've got your entire plan mapped out doesn't mean something better couldn't come along. You've got to be open to changes.
-Of COURSE there are speed bumps when it comes to something important. But don't make a mountain of them; deal, then keep going.
-Just because someone says
-Sometimes it's three times the charm. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it doesn't matter if it's charmed or not.
-Chances are, there is someone out there that knows more than you do about what you think you know the most about.
-Don't be so quick to judge people; they have hurts that you may never, ever know about.
-Whether the choice is right or wrong, the important thing is that you can look back and say with a certainty why you did it, and be satisfied with that reason.
-Some people just drop out of your life, whether you want them to or not. You aren't necessarily better off without them.
-Lifetime contract is a negotiable term?


Anonymous said...

Don't discount those dropouts.

Cassidi Marie said...

I wasn't talking about you, silly. You've got a lifetime contract, remember? Signed in blood? =]