Tuesday, May 20, 2008


it's senior trip, and i'm just all on my lonesome.
but guess who's going on a date with danny tonight?
cheah. misscass. haha.

so, i'm blonde again... and i really dig it.

Caspian was awesome. :]
Danny is my besty bud. forrizzle.

i can't wait for the seniors to get back. and soon after, i'm leaving on my church history trip. it should be awesomeawesomeawesome.

why do people freak out so much about holding hands, or even kissing in high school? we're supposed to have fun. and it's not like we're married or anything.
well, some of us are. but some of us aren't. open relationships, baby. open relationships are the way to go.

im just a little bit freakin, i suppose. because my open relationship is about to be a non-relationship. in, what, 72 hours?
if someone can come up with a 72hour survival kit to help me make it through those seventy two hours... let me know?

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