Thursday, May 15, 2008

Acadec Sentamentality

well, i was just reading Miss Abel's blog, from last year... she was complaining about how our team from China year were whiny losers who couldn't do anything but fight about religion and ponder the deep philosophical query of "if the money part was taken out of prostitution, would it still be immoral?" [she swears it came up. i have no memory of this.]
I would just like to remind my favorite person in the world that that sucky whiny team took you to state. Ahem... suck it. lol.
actually, i really miss our last year acadec team. i miss state, i miss my 'corner', i miss ricky being my best friend. but don't tell him that. not that he would care... but just the same. :]
acadec was my family. it was the people i lived with. i think i actually became closer with my acadec team than almost any cast i've been a part of, aside from a midsummer night's dream. this year was good, too, but it was missing a few key elements... the corner was filled with hygiene kits, there was no blake, and no state.
but it's not like things will ever be the way they were back then. next year is gonna be HARD! i know i'll survive. but... it's the little things i'm dreading now... ya know? like walking down the halls. like going into woodward's and not having ricky come in. no more justin high fives. things i've always taken for granted.
okay, maybe i won't survive.
i have to go to school soon. i'm still working on my churchill paper... now it's a whole page and a half of sucky!

i'm getting on my knees, saying, baby, change me please.

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