Sunday, April 19, 2009

This Is A Twice In A Lifetime Experience!

Day Date=Awesome!
In the reverse order, of course.

Jeremy came and picked me up at 8:15 [@%$#$^$#] luckily I woke up fifteen minutes earlier, and was good to go. We met everyone else at Daniel's house- Daniel and Laney, Jeff and Jessica, and Victoria, whose date would show up later- and went to Denny's. Unfortunately, I didn't think to pull a Tennessean accent this time, like I did last year for prom. But I did eat Pancake Puppies, which were pretty much DELICIOUS. Then we were off to a picture scavenger hunt in Walmart! Jeremy, Victoria and I basically ROCKED it... Pictures up as soon as I get them.
After that we headed over to Jeff's house to watch Pirates of the Carribean and eat Top Ramen. Then on to the SECRET ADVENTURE....
A POTC Van war!
Let me explain: Two groups [Jeremy, me, Victoria, and Jacob] were in one minivan, and Daniel, Laney, Jeff and Jessica were in the other. We each had one sliding door open, and through that door we launched water balloons at each other with water balloon launchers. Our van was the Black Pearl, and we CONQUERED. :D
Then off to get ready... After NPC kinda ruined my hair, my poor darling mother had to do it and redo it like five times before I was satisfied... That woman. I don't know many others who could put up with me as much as she does.
So around 6:30 Jeremy came over, I was all spiffed up, and we headed for dinner. Lacanos was pretty fun...
"I really like Mediterranean food."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"Ya know, like pita, hummus, falafel..."
"I'd bet it would be better if it was falawesome."

And I just loved our group. We were so much fun!

The dance its self was actually WAY cooler than I thought. I was like... Pool? Count me out. But it looked so cool! Fog machines, and floating lights, and sooo many twinkle lights that didn't twinkle!

We jammed the WHOLE TIME! My poor date... I'm such a floater. We'd be dancing, everything chill, then a song would come on and I'd run over to Tea, or Jess, and leave him standing. With warning, of course, but hey. I've gotta jam to 'Right Round' with my gurrrl... and the whole song we were missing you, Karadoll! We danced with an empty space and pretended it was you, beautiful. :]
Oh, and get this: My parents totally showed up! How awesome was that??? I know, I'm a total dork... But I was so excited! I made them say hello to everyone, and all the girls showed off their dresses.
After the dance, we headed to Denny's, and while we were waiting for drinks, the adrenaline rush totally wore off and we were DEAD. We were there with our group, then Tea's group. They got a cake, and we got tired even looking at them lift their forks.
It was a good tired, though, until I started mouthing off... I'm pretty sure someone spiked my Razzdango, because one minute we were all laughing, and the next thing I know, i'm waxing philosophical about how sleep is just a habit, and how we aren't physically strenuous enough anymore to really need sleep. Luckily, I think everyone just kinda ignored me. :D
Got home at nearly one, and all in all... Good dance. Good day. Good friends.

1 comment:

laneybug said...

Hey girl!! Im so glad we were in a group!! We had such a great time!! You looked awesome too!! ;)