Thursday, January 15, 2009

They Told Me To Tell You To Hold On.

My New New Year's Resolution:
Let Go.

Of my anger, my disappointment.
Emotional baggage.

I really wish I had something worth blogging about... My life has really kinda become rather monotonous. School, sometimes friends, home, dinner, homework, brush teeth, wash face, and wait for sleep to take me.

A friend of mine once told me about an idea for a movie short:
A man goes through his day [a lot like the one I just described] and goes to bed at night. The next day he does the same, but before he gets in bed he shoots himself in the head. The next day, he wakes up and goes through the same process.
Because his life was his hell.

I'm not saying my life is hell, not anything close. Just... I feel like I'm at a plateau in my life.
And that's terrifying.

I need to take Tara's advice, and...

Be the person I want to be.

1 comment:

Tara Victoria said...

No one is perfect my love. But I have complete faith that you will be the person you want to be. And that person may change and grow with time.. but no matter what it's still you. And it's still beautiful, and strong and amazing. And it may take you a little while to figure it out. I don't know if anyone really ever does.. but you'll get closer. <3