Sunday, June 15, 2008


We breathe. We pulse. We regenerate. Our hearts beat. Our minds create. Our souls ingest. 37 seconds, well used, is a lifetime.

i love that quote. think about it... it's true. henry david thereau once said 'as if you could kill time without injuring eternity.' think of how much time we waste just wasting time! if that's not a sobering thought, what is. do you realize we spend approximately half our lives asleep?? i'm not saying sleeping is bad, but think of all the time we spend watching the seconds go by.
what could we do with all those seconds? if we added them all up, what miracles could happen, what could we accomplish?
do you realize every year, we pass the the anniversary of our death? it's true. every year, we're getting closer and closer to dying. it may be later, it may be sooner. only God knows.
someone who has had an impact on my life just found out that she has cancer, for the second time. the doctors gave her about six months to live. it really makes you think... will i be able to look back on my life with as much satisfaction as she did? will i be able to look back with a clear conscience and happy heart? or will i be haunted by the 'if only's?
doesn't it make you want to waste time a little less? do a little more with the time we have left?

1 comment:

collegegirl19 said...

Ok. New Idea. If I'm not married by my 21st birthday, you and I are going to either Hawaii or New York for my 21st birthday. You game? Or since my birthday is so close to Christmas-we will go over Christmas break. Again-you game? I can't say that this will actually happen, but we can plan, dream and maybe save money(: WHY, you may ask? Because, due to my December birthday-it snows every year on my birthday, whether i'm in Show Low or Thatcher, or Utah(which may be the case by my 21st bday). Then again-if we go to New York, it may be snowy there-but thats not the point-its NEW YORK! So-I don't want snow and I also want something super exciting when I turn 21. Ok? Plan? OK!!!!!! Love you!