Saturday, January 12, 2008

we sure are cute for two ugly people

juno was a fantastic movie. one of the best soundtracks i've heard in a while.

i just spent almost three hours looking for this XKCD. one of the best webcomics in existance, for the record.
so, i shortened my list last night.
ya know, that list of things you have to do before you die?
sometime i'll have to blog that.
but on it was 'take pictures in a bathtub with a big poofy dress on'
and volia!

i have too much fun when i'm babysitting. i know.

ya know, lately i've really come to appreciate people who are optimistic. i know, i'm the last person who should be able to say that, but sometimes you just need to keep the faith. and when people around you are happy you just really feel uplifted. and you never know when someone might need that boost, so i think my new year's resolution is to be more optimistic.
but at the same time, sometimes you just need to face the facts. truth is what it is. and sometimes, no matter how hard you try, some things are never meant to me. or, never meant to change. so i guess life is about finding the balance between reality and dreams.
you need dreams... they give you the hope you need to survive.

i dunno. i guess i'm just ranting.
wait a minute... isn't that what these things are for?

so, auditions for the musical are next week... it's Crazy for You, by Gershwin. one of my favorite songs ever is from that... 'someone to watch over me' and i think also 'they can't take that away from me' another one of my favvys.
wish me luck!

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