Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven...

Ten things you wish you could say to ten different people.

10. Way to suck at everything ever. I'll be hanged if I let you drag me down with you.
9. I blame you for single-handedly giving me the ulcer I'm sure is developing.
8. You are emotionally immature. That is NOT MY FAULT, and I need to stop letting it get to me.
7. Actually, I did mean it.
6. I can't put anything here, because there's nothing I wouldn't say to you.
5. Thanks for being a tool to the nth degree. My absloute adoration officially ends... Now. No, now. Now. Then.
4. I wish I could be there for you more than I am... As it is, I love you to bits and can't wait to get more of you.
3. You break my heart when you're not who I know you to be. I'm not sure which of us you're lying to.
2. Every day, I have to remind myself to forgive you. Never works.
1. You're not who I thought you were. Cliche, I know, but it hits me every time, and hurts me every time.

Nine things about myself.
9. I don't have the budget or figure to dress the way I'd like to.
8. I don't sugar coat anymore.
7. Yep, I Twitter. AND I LIKE IT.
6. I've not had my phone a month, and I am totally dependent on it.
5. I am so incredibly eclectic, I can't even follow me most of the time.
4. Billy Joel is one of my favorite singers... EVER.
3. I'm single, and right now I wouldn't have it any other way.
2. I'm slowly but surely cutting everyone out of my life that doesn't need to be there. Nothing- actually, yeah. It is personal.
1. I love ellipses.

Eight ways to win my heart.
8. Make me laugh.
7. Make me laugh.
6. Make me laugh.
5. Make me laugh.
4. Make me laugh.
3. Make me laugh.
2. Make me laugh.
1. Save my life.

Seven things that cross my mind a lot.
7. y=-(sin(x^(1.7/6)+4)+(1/x))+10 [bahahaha... Prolly only Sunbeam will get this.]
6. Random lyrics.
5. Squee!
3. Only seven more days... Seven more days... Seven more days...
2. Why are we not making out right now? Right. You're dumb.

Six things I do before I fall asleep
6. Take out contacts.
5. Brush teeth/put in retainer
4. Pray.
3. Roll over six times. More or less.
2. Snuggle with bear, usually Pip.
1. Set alarm clock.

Five people who mean a lot (in no particular order).
5. Mom
4. Dad [both of them]
3. Kathy
2. Sisters
1. Me. :]

Four things you're wearing right now.
4. AE jeans
3. leather bracelet
2. black tank top
1. skivvies.

Three songs that you listen to often.
3. Anything Iron and Wine
2. The Quiz, Hello Saferide
1. Popular, Wicked [sadie is doing it for a talent show]

Two things you want to do before you die.
1. Get married... rafta and all. :]

One confession.
1. I, obviously, open my heart FAR too easily. It's a habit i'm trying to break.

1 comment:

Kara said...

I love you with my entire heart, all the way to the moon and back, even if all the bad things are about me.
I miss my Cass Marie, and I love her.
And I'm ready to spend time with her a LOT before summer is over.
I love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love you.