Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Was I The Moth, Or The Flame?

Thank you, angels.

I cannot freaking wait... I leave for Ireland in TWO DAYS!! Actually, we leave for Phoenix, then London [squee!] then on Monday we'll be in Dublin. :]

Of course, leave it to the Doctor to freak the heck out of me... Turns out in Ireland there are crazy terrorists who burn your cars, or if you don't get out fast though, they just throw a bomb in and you DIE.
So... I love you all? I hope I can see you all before I go, because if I die, I want to have nice memories of everyone.

This weekend was awesome, basically... Loved hanging out with Tea and Kara, and random hanging out with Dax. And I finished 'The Book Thief' which I am pretty sure that everyone alive needs to read.

I wish my Sundays were as good as the rest of my weekends... But now that I don't see Ms. Abel anymore, there's absloutely NO REASON for me to even like Sundays. SAD.

Erin Go Braugh.

My little brother is learning about the Beatles, and it's about the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life... Whenever I get grouchy at him, he says 'Hey, remember? George, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and... Um... The drummer, Star!' And I just hug him.

I'm sure I've got so much more to say, I've been saving things and now they've just all disappeared.

If I could, I would swallow your pain, and bring you home on a passenger train...

But Ms. Abel's back! Yays!

1 comment:

kathickers said...

Just don't say anything to anyone about Catholics or Protestants and you should be fine.

I hope you have a wonderful time!!!

Bring me back a shillelagh...
(uh...just kidding.)