Friday, December 26, 2008

Miss Cassidi Is Not A Cat.

Whoops... I guess it has been almost a week since I posted.
It goes back to this theory Miss Amy and I have:
People only blog late at night when they're bored and depressed. When you're happy, you don't want to blog, you want to spend your time being happy.
Or as Karadactyl and I have found out, silly and happy and giggly.
So here's a bit of an update...

Christmas was pretty bomb! aside from that it still doesn't feel like christmas... it should just barely be thanksgiving or something. But loot! I got 'the Cassidi' dress, which I am so happy about... Almost as much because of what it means than the dress it's self... it means i'm healing. i bought the dress, with all the emotional attachment it has, but i plan to have it mean something very different soon. it will be a physical representation of the emotional and mental journey i've come on the past six months, of what i've lost and what i've gained, and will continue to lose and gain. and that means more to me than anything else i could've been given in a box or bag.
i also got a printer, and ABBA Gold [tehe!] and a cool shirt.
then i came down to the valley, and kinda hit the jackpot here. my dad got me this really pretty silver necklace, and money. then miss amy got me a new digital camera! and get this... PINK POLKA DOTS. which in and of it's self would be awesome, but she got me a betsey johnson camera case. BETSEYVILLE!!!! Squee!
So that's that.
I'm in the valley of the sundresses and low rise jeans? except for that i tried to wear low rise jeans today and froze my butt off! it should not be cold and overcast down here... when it is there is virtually NO appeal. Except for my favorite part of Christmas...
After Christmas SHOPPING! All I have to say is, I need to start going on more dates, because I just got a few way cute dresses that I don't want to waste on regular school days.

Other than that, things are just going incredibly well.
I'm a-dork-ably happy and smiley all the time... And I love it.


Kara said...

Dear Cassidi,
Both of our Christmas' were good,
we agree it doesn't feel like Christmas,
I miss you very much.

kathickers said...

Hey! I'm down here too visiting my dad, and yeah, it is frickin' freezing!

Glad you have a good Christmas!

Sam McDowell said...

Jealously, thy green tinged darts again find my heart...
I guess liking ABBA is a weird thing for a 20 year old dude, but I am a weird 20 year old dude after all.