Saturday, July 19, 2008

some people should not be allowed to have blogs...

and i am most definately one of them. what kind of loser blogs almost every day for two weeks straight? and it's not even like i have anything interesting to say, i just blabble. [which probably isn't even a word, now that i think about it...]
i hate having this feeling of so many many words inside of me, but by the time i type them out, it's useless. they're not half as exciting or meaningful as they were in my head. but as far as things that anyone would be interested in hearing, nothing is new in my life. i went to pioneer days in snowflake today, and got really sick... miss cass is most definately NOT a sun worshipper... more like a sun=diablo kinda deal.
and my family had this psycho luck streak today... we all entered our names in a drawing at C&K furnishings in snowflake, and we ALL. FREAKIN. WON. well, almost all of us... mom got a set of luggage, emilee got this huge cool clock, and sadie and i got camelbacks. we were a little bit totally excited.
and... um... i have an A in algebra, which is pretty awesome... and time consuming. i basically own tucker's soul... we're completing those squares for about three and a half hours a day. don't know how he does it.. even *I* get sick of being around me that much.

this is my bathroom... that's how desperate i am for something interesting to say. haha.


kathickers said...

I thought you were getting a D in algebra?! Awesome job with the A, chica!

kathickers said...

P.S. I love the new look of your blog!