Wednesday, July 30, 2008


so, i FINALLY finished my geometry course tonight.
it was absolutely ridiculous, can you just believe me. last night, our laptop chord got a short. then mom bought a new chord, so i could finish my last lesson today? um, yeah. the little metal part that you plug in? came off. if it wasn't for tucker's fancy
but it's kinda so weird that it's over you know? i've spent my whole summer on this, and it's just... over. i've spent my whole summer on this, and now it's just done.
granted, i've got a 92.2%, so it's not like i've wasted my summer.
plus i got what i wanted... this summer, with my sweetheart. i mean, sure, things definitely aren't the way they were before. but it's like they're better now... tucker has become my best friend. we've been together pretty much constantly, and i wouldn't trade that for all the rice in china. or the amazing amount of bucks you'd get from selling it.
anyway, tomorrow i'm taking my final, then leaving for a family reunion... i'll be gone until probably tuesday-ish? we'll see...

that part about my heart? well it belongs to you...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hooray for being finished with Geometry! Hooray for spending time with friends! Hooray for all of it.