Monday, June 22, 2009

Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

Could someone please 'splain to me how this:

Is supposed to play a young this??

No, Dr. Tam... I mean it. I am REALLY sick. It's probably a lethal disease... I might not recover. It's your duty as a physician to make my dying hours as meaningful as possible....

But seriously. Snotty, dumb Zac Efron got his 'big break' playing young Sean Maher in Firefly. Who knew? [[aside from me... Sunbeam tried to argue with me, but I had none of it.]]
And I just need to squeal about Sean Maher for a minute... Good hell this man is beautiful. T.V.'s sexiest- oh wait, it got CANCELLED. Screw you, Fox. SCREW. YOU. But man, couldn't you just eat him up?
So Disney's life size posable action figure got his start on Firefly, one of my favoritest awesomest shows in the 'verse. [No, I've not given up on Supernatural, I'm still on my high from the season finale, I'm just broadening my horizons.]

So, fun fact I guess? Kinda breaks my heart that someone can fall so desperately... He looked so alive, swearing in Chinese and bonding with Baby!River.

In other news, I'm almost eighteen.

And I really, really like this song... It's been singing its self for the past couple of days in the back of my heart.
I was going to say head, but heart came out, and I kinda like it. :]

I'm so excited to buy my eee PC!! Baby!Laptop, all my own.

And FLAGSTAFF... SQUEE!!! Kathy and I are going on Wednesday, and I am about to pee my pants I'm so excited.


Hair said...

I see you have gotten to the "Fuck you Fox" stage of firefly fandom. The rest of us browncoats feel your pain.

kathickers said...


Simon, I looooooove you, Simon, I do-oo. Thank you Joss Whedon for giving me YOU-OO!