Thursday, June 11, 2009

sheh sheh.

"I once heard this story...

"There were two men, one old and one young. The old man proudly showed the young man his heart. 'My heart is perfect,' he said. 'No,' said the young man, pulling out his own heart, 'My heart is perfect.' The old man pulled back, 'But it's so ugly!'

"The young man nodded. His heart was ugly. It was broken and sewn back together, parts were missing and parts were obviously from different hearts, the pieces not matching exactly... 'It is ugly, but it means that I have loved. When you love some one, you give them a piece of your heart. Sometimes you get one in return, sometimes you don't... But it is because I have loved that my heart is perfect.'

"The old man looked down at his heart, it was whole, it was alone. He promptly ripped a piece out and handed it to the young man. The young man smiled and handed the old man a piece of his own heart."

to everyone who has taken/given heart... Sheh sheh. <3

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