Friday, October 3, 2008

A Galway Girl. =]

I think I'm doing a little better... Thanks so much, you guys, you've all really cheered me up. =] [Kudos to Sam, Tara, Justin, Levi, Ms. Abel.]

I am headed into an Ireland phase right now... I just finished Scarlett, the sequel to Gone With The Wind, and Scarlett goes back to Ireland and it's just AMAZING. That and seeing P.S. I Love You, I'm just REALLY REALLY craving an Irish romance right about now.
Number One Way Into My Heart:
Have an Irish accent.

Also, being Jeffery Dean Morgan wouldn't hurt.

So, I really want to go to Homecoming, actually. But I've not been asked, despite my mom's best efforts. [See: her walking around Seminary telling everyone that I need a date, and would you like to take her?] Only slightly humiliating.
But I guess it's not a big deal. I had what, two, kinda three dates last year? So I can't really complain. It's just...

We wants it, precious.
Not this exact dress, as it's like six hundred dollars, but a style like it. Poofy skirt, very vintage.

Anyways, Imma be okay.
I <3 my new music.

1 comment:

Tara Victoria said...

So, I will begin by saying I LOVE that dress!! Adorable!

I am so glad to hear you're feeling happier! :)

Umm so many people said Scarlett sucked but I loved it too! I am super Irish so I can relate.. Plus, I am a sucker for romance like that so I love it. <3