Sunday, March 1, 2009

They're Just Thoughts, So Go Ahead And Speak.

-When I was a baby, I had one of those nifty electric swings that you can put the kid in and they'll be set for hours. I used it until I was too big, then passed it on to Sadie. I wasn't even necessarily attached to the swing, I didn't think about it much; It was just a staple in the corner of our tiny living room.
Until the fateful day that the battery in the swing died.
Now, normal people, when a battery dies, they change it. and that's what the 'rents were going to do. I, on the other hand, am NOT normal. I wouldn't let them throw the battery away! I held onto it, cried, and screamed when anyone got close. I kept it under my bed for a few months, until I grew out of that stage and let my mom throw it away.
Does this say something about how adverse I am to change?
My ward just changed today. I was really looking forward to it, honestly... There aren't many people in my ward that I like. But they took away Sister Smith, my young women's leader, and my bishop and his family [Daniel and Becca Williams]. They were the only ones I wanted to keep, really. And they're gone. My heart? A little broken up.

-We talked on the phone exactly ONCE. So why is it that my heart broke a little when i heard your name? I don't even know what you look like.


- I hate reminding myself 'He's just not that into you, he's just not that into you, he's just not that into you'... Because, darn it, I wish he was. Never mind all the stupid signs, that should make it blantantly obvious that I'm wasting my time. I. DON'T. CARE. [um, well, ya see... I just let tea borrow the copy of HJNTIY, obviously.]

- This is pretty cool... Sam sent it to me, but I think I would appreciate it more if I was high:

- I'm hungry. And tired. And poor.

- On the plus side... I just found out that I have the SAME FAVORITE SONG as Jensen Ackles:


Sam McDowell said...

I'll sing this song for you some time if you want... I <3 this song very much actually. Interestingly I first heard it on the Shrek soundtrack. Go figure.

"Maybe there is a god above, but all I've really learned from love is how to shoot at someone who outdrew ya."

"its not somebody who's seen the light, its a cold and its a broken hallelujah"

Ellie said...

I absolutely love that song, but it makes me cry every time I hear it...