Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Everyday Should Be A Holiday.

And it was... But this was a special holiday.

This is the first Valentine's Day, I think of my entire life, that I thoroughly enjoyed.
After putting around Jerome, we drove down to Prescott... It was kinda a bust, but it was really fun to just walk around and see all the little shops and the clock tower where Back To The Future was filmed... Neato. We ended up getting bored and leaving early, though, which was the BEST choice EVER.

We drove down to Anthem, to Amy's house, and picked up strawberries and chocolate, then threw on our swim suits and headed for the HOT TUB!
Miss Amy turned in after a while, but Shay and I stayed up until around 1 AM, just talking and giggling and venting and confiding... It was amazing. I was able to let loose about so many things that I haven't been able to tell ANYONE about... And I love it. It was so cleansing, ya know?
So that was my V-Day, the next day we had a blast making goodies, taking naps, then meeting up with Dad and getting all dolled up and going out to dinner, then we came back and watched 'Tool Academy'... Can I just tell you how freaking funny that show is? It makes me want a boyfriend just so I can put him on there. 'course, I don't think I'd ever EVER date anyone like those guys...
Um. I guess I should say I won't ever EVER date anyone like that again. Ha.

Woke up Monday, met up with Mom and went shopping.
Oh Ross, oh Ross, wherefore art thou Ross?
I got an adorable blue trench coat, and bought my sexy librarian shoes! Hurray! I've wanted a pair forEVER, and these were only TEN BUCKS! Yay and a half.
Also, I got Lord of the Rings: Two Towers: Extended Edition for... Drumroll please...
Yes, I'm awesome.
I know.

Then drove home, dropped Shay off, and got home.

All in all, this has been such an amazing weekend. Thanks a bizillion to Shay and Amy, and Dad, who all made it possible.

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