Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Truth.

Not Anymore.

I need to giggle more. And smile more, and flirt more, and wear heels and dresses more.
Exactly what I want to do.

Look at how much time I've already missed! There's so much to be done! So many people to meet, smiles to give and receive, books to read, love to fall into.

What am I waiting for???

1 comment:

Malori and Jon Saline said...

Hi Cassidy,
It's Malori Saline (used to be Rhineheart). Sometimes I read your blog - I found it through Alex - and I really enjoyed this particular comment. You are right - we all get so caught up in "stuff" that we forget to live life. I really needed to hear this today especially because I was really caught up in things I didn't have that I was forgetting what I do have.
I just wanted to say thank you - I needed that reality check.